The Defend the revolutionary Syrian masses campaign is hosting a picket at the American corner (Old drill hall), where the Cape Town Library is) in Cape Town, opposite the parade

Saturday 10 Dec 2016
time: from 930am to 11h00

Despite the popular myth of a war between US and Russian proxies in Syria, the evidence on the ground shows that there is a de facto alliance of US imperialism with the Russian regime. The current forces that besiege the rebels in East Aleppo include both US and Russian troops, working in tandem with one another. The US troops are with the Kurdish YPG in the north, while the Russian and Iranian-backed forces are in the West and north east of Aleppo. Both have besieged and attacked the rebels. Their claimed common enemy, Isis, is not in Aleppo but 40 km to the north in Raqqa, which operates freely.

The situation in South East Aleppo, still under rebel control, is critical; hundreds of men who were moving out of the bombed areas were separated from their families and have gone missing, most likely executed. The Russian claim that they are allowing civilians to leave is a lie. We aer already seeing the Trump modus operandi of 'have a plan to kill everyone' being implemented.
The Sept joint agreement of the US and Russia to attack 'terrorists' is being implemented. We remember that when we were fighting the apartheid regime, we were also labelled 'terrorist'.

We are protesting against the central role of the US and Russia in the backing of the genocidal fascist Assad regime.We call for an end to the genocide.

We also reject the declaration of the UN that there is no evidence of a genocide against the Rohingya; we note that the brutal military regime in Burma/Myanmar is also backed by US imperialism. We are protesting against the mass slaughter of the Rohingya and other oppressed groups by the regime. We call for an end to the genocide.

We are protesting against the ongoing plunder of Cameroon by French and other imperialist monopolies; we call for the scrapping of the colonial tax to France and for the expropriation of all imperialist assets in Cameroon, as well as respect and equality for cultural differences.

We are also commemorating international day of the political prisoners.

We call for the immediate release and amnesty for the oil workers of Las Heras: Omar Pafundi, plus Pablo Mansilla, Dario Catrihuala, Daniel Aguilar, Enrique Aguilar and Rubén Bach were sentenced to five years while Jose Rosales, Humberto Gonzalez and Ramón Cortez were sentenced to life imprisonment.

We call for the dropping of all charges of the #feesmustfall student and worker protestors

We remember Mustafa Ab Jumaa, Abu Daraa and many other Syrian revolutionaries who died in fighting the fascist Assad regime. We remember the 34 workers who died at Marikana and for the dropping of all charges against the workers who survived the massacre.

We call for the dropping of all charges against the Boiketlong 4; we mourn the loss of cde Dan Molefe who died from the pressure of the case of the state against him.

We call for the immediate release of Mumia Abu Jamal and all political prisoners in the gulags of the USA

We call for the immediate release of all political prisoners from the jails of the zionists and the PA

We salute the final reinstatement of the 1000 soldiers who were dismissed merely for standing up for their right to protest;

We call for the release of all prisoners who have been fighting against the capitalist system.

Genocide and fascism is not 'conventional'. we refuse to accept it.

We may be fighting on different fronts but we have a common enemy, the system of world imperialism capitalism.

Workers of the world unite; we have nothing to lose but our chains; we have a world to win.
Forward to Socialism!
10 Dec 2016

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